R06 Oct19

in CPD & Exams
Anyone doing R06 this Oct?
I've seen some threads from previous sittings and thought it might be useful to have one for the Oct exam where we can bounce ideas off each other and hopefully help each other.
What's everyone's tactics? I'm not buying the CII materials, and instead planning to go to a revision day and buy an analysis, but I haven't decided which one yet.
I am doing R06 October too. I do have the CII revision materials at the moment, just working through past papers.
I plan on buying analysis but not attend a revision day as they are foo far/expensive for me.
Struggling with which analysis to buy though!
I'm doing this in October, was thinking of doing R04 just before but now I'm thinking I should just concentrate on this as it may be a bit too much.
So how is everyone approaching this? Not sure how long I should study for and how I should structure my revision.
Paraplanner. DipPFS. Quite likes pensions.
I’ve used Brandft and Wizard for R06 case studies and I found both good but Wizard was the more comprehensive of the two. I would recommend the brandft calculation workbooks generally though (not specifically for R06 as it’s relatively calc lite). I’m trying expert pensions for AF5 so ask me later what I think of that
I've just passed R06 (results day was Friday). I would say the textbook is only worth reading if you haven't recently completed your other R0 exams. It's basically a recap of everything you've already learnt, along with a few extra bits about the advice process which are helpful for your job but not for the exam.
I attended an L&D Digital course (paid for by my employer) and would definitely recommend it.
It's definitely worth trawling the past papers for model answers that might apply to your case study. There's not a lot you can study until you receive your case studies - as you don't know what they will cover. CII released them a day early in July so keep checking the website as you approach case study day.
It's also worth noting that the exam is unlikely to ask you to do calculations.
This is an exam with 100 study hours suggested by the CII. So anyone thinking that a one or two day workshop is enough is asking for the wrong result. I train this subject regularly and the people that pass are those that work just as hard for it as for any of the others. We do an R06 study guide which includes lots of generic practice questions and answers and gets you practicing the right question answering techniques form the start. Which is essential for an exam pass. The get on a workshop - it is essential to get some practice on questions and answers based on the actual case studies themselves. You can email me at luiza@bespoketrainingsolutions.com if you want some info. And good luck to all those sitting in October.
I too am sitting the exam in October and this should be helpful! I have pre ordered Brand, although hearing a lot more positivity around RedMill.
Sorry for starting this thread and then going AWOL. Since I last posted I have sat and passed R04 and R05 (managed to study and pass in 2 weeks 2 days so that was intense!) so it's nice to (hopefully!!) be on the final push.
I'm all booked in for London on the 7th, and assuming case studies are due this coming Monday, but will start checking daily in case they're released early. I've only started study this week as I was a bit burned out and wanted time to focus on settling my daughter into her first year at school. I've worked through the four past papers on the CII site by reading the study briefly, having a quick google of policies/funds/taxation etc I've forgotten details of, and they seem OK. I think i'm lucky in that I've done R02, R04 and R05 this year so the product info is all pretty fresh.
It seems like there are certain questions they ask some form of every time such as info needed to review pensions with fairly standard answers, so I'm working through them again and again until those answers stick! I've ordered Wizard and I'm doing the CII course in Crawley on the 30th, so hopefully that will fill in some of the gaps.
Few questions:
How are you all getting on? How have you been studying?
I'm also sitting R06 in a couple of weeks. Still undecided on Brand or Wizard. Will see you in Crawley on 30th!
Just checking everyone is aware that the case studies have been released.
Look forward to meeting you there!
The case studies have just been released in case anyone misses the email. Nice to have an extra weekend to look at them.
I have noticed that the Red Mill analysis has been released. I have pre ordered brandft, but was hoping to cross examine with another provider! Unsure if i should purchase Red Mill as well just to be safe.
Hi guys,
I am sitting R06 this October too.... for the third time unfortunately.
Does anyone want to share the cost of analysis they have?
Thanks, Ceetal
I've bought the redmill analysis. Very in depth, according to them it's one the hardest case studies they've seen. Typical!!
Hi all! New to this site, bit just joined so I could join in the discussion.
Ordered Brand analysis but waiting on it being released, have been using Redmill in the past for previous exams and it was always v good.
Wondering what those who purchased Redmill think?
Anyone going to the Fareham CII course on Wednesday?
Hi Gem,
The redmill analysis is very in depth, they have really covered a lot of ground. So much so I'm wondering how I'm going to remember it all in just two weeks. I also prefer the way they have structured it compared to Brand.
But lots of people have passed using Brand so I'm sure they will be pretty similar in content.
I know...I wasn't exactly ecstatic reading that!!!
Before I buy Red Mill, would anyone want to exchange for the Brandft which I have preordered?
And yes, i was thinking its the hardest one I have seen.
Hi, can anyone provide a copy of the redmill analysis for a fee please?
> Before I buy Red Mill, would anyone want to exchange for the Brandft which I have preordered?
> And yes, i was thinking its the hardest one I have seen.
Hi Stuart, I would exchange Redmill for Brandft. Think I'm going to need all the help I can get!!!
I'm also looking to Swap Brand for Redmill...
Would anyone like to exchange Redmill for Brandft which I have pre-ordered?
Hi All
I have also pre-ordered Brandft and would be more than happy to exchange for Redmill.
Same here, would be more than happy to swap Brand for Redmill
Although, looks like the majority of us have pre-ordered Brand!
I would also like to swap Brand for Redmill if possible!
Brand analysis has been released, loads to remember!
Hi All, I have the brand analysis too - if anyone wants to swap if they have a different brand that would be helpful! x
Having had a chance to look at both analysis I would say Brand is definitely the better of the two. The answers are similar to the ones in the past papers were as with Redmill they go into far too much detail on some of the answers and from looking at past papers there is simply no need for that.
Anyone willing to provide Brand analysis? I have Redmill but seems like so does everyone.
Anyone used/got the CII R06 Post Case Study Video Technical Guide – October 19 edition? Seems like a LOT of pennies...but I'm a really visual learner...wondering if anyone has experience of using it and if it was worth it?
Hope your study is going well. I'm not feeling very confident at the mo!