Junior ISA

Who are you using for these? Want to see if the companies we use can be beat!
Stand alone first contribution so no linking to parent accounts etc.
Low cost, passive ideally.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Vanguard direct to consumer platform? Haven't actually used them yet though.
Thanks @Jamie_Barnes have used them, also AJ Bell into vanguard - they have no wrapper fee so cost is very similar and IFA can control.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
@Andy_Schleider we want to invest
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Low cost and full fund range. Relatively easy process (FNW do it) of converting to adult ISA when the child turns 18
Parmenion. Can use Vanguard or PIM Strategic Passive option (plus many variances). Platform/Custody charge 0.3% plus around 0.2% ish for Vanguard/PIMs option. Adviser only though cannot do direct.
And in my opinion the most user friendly interface and cracking ongoing service/functionality.
@richallum https://www.nsandi-adviser.com/
Freshly opened today!