Small Firm or Corporate?

in General
Hi All,
I would love to hear your views on where you would say You have found is a better surrounding when you were first studying for your diploma. I have been in the industry for 2 years. Struggling with picking up knowledge due to lack of resource I.e nobody else with a diploma and advisers that work from home or outside the office.
I’ve heard people say that they found it better with a bigger company as there are more people to study with and support.
I’ve no clue what action to take.
I would love to hear your views on where you would say You have found is a better surrounding when you were first studying for your diploma. I have been in the industry for 2 years. Struggling with picking up knowledge due to lack of resource I.e nobody else with a diploma and advisers that work from home or outside the office.
I’ve heard people say that they found it better with a bigger company as there are more people to study with and support.
I’ve no clue what action to take.
I have worked for both smaller and larger firms and I'd say it's definitely useful to have somebody at work to be able to ask to explain any areas you're struggling with (could your manager help if needed?).
In terms of having people to study with, I found that this may be successful at first but ultimately I have personally found it more efficient to study on my own as you can go at your own pace and study how, where and when you want.
I found the forums on Revisionmate extremely useful for the R0 exams and almost used them as my 'study group'.
Hope that helps & good luck with your studies.
Have you looked at third party (paid for) study resources that may offer the support you are seeking?
I'm not sure where you are based but the Insurance Institute of London have started a formal mentor group for Insurance and financial planning candidates. Not sure when the next group is due to start but my colleague is part of the first group and has contact details (if of interest DM me and I'll find out the contact).
p.s. yes I'd also highly recommend using some other resources along with your CII book - I used purchased the Revisionmate questions and also Brand for a couple I found more challenging