Experienced Paraplanner available for working remotely

Hi everyone
I am looking to work from home, however, I am struggling to find out how I can source firms to contact. Does anyone have any ideas please that don't involve posting my availability on LinkedIn (other than the private way of setting the 'On' button).
There seems to be a gap in the recruitment market for outsourced Paraplanners or is there one that I can contact?
Many thanks in advance for your kind assistance, Lindsey
I think the reason there aren't tonnes of job adverts for outsourced, is because most are self-employed.
However, I think the best place to try for outsourced paraplanners with home working (most of the big ones are office-based i think) is the Time Bank.
I hope that doesn't break forum guidelines to mention a rival?!
Hi Lindsey
I am looking for an admin assistant, with a view to becoming a paraplanner and would prefer a remote working relationship. My head office is True Potential LLP and everything is completed on the platform. Can you inbox me on hughmay@tpllp.com providing some information
No problem @arongunningham. The Powwow isn’t attached to any specific paraplanning company so there shouldn’t be any rivalry 😊.