Ethical/ESG/SRI/Impact Investing

Just trying to find out general process people have for dealing with the above type of investments. We don't really have a formal process in place and I am trying to create one so that we can encourage advisers to do more in this area in view of increasing popular demand.
There seem to be a variety of data capture forms and online tools available and wondered what everyone was finding to be most useful.
Also, how do you go about identifying funds available with individual providers as the few I've looked at don't split them up in this way or know much about them. Would you try to identify certain funds first then look to see if they hold them (feel like this would be quite time consuming)?
Hi Laura,
If you have FE analytics, from the fund filter you can add Ethical / SRI (I think it's in investment characteristics) and platform availability.
I haven't done this for a while but used to find it trickier at lower risk profiles... unless they are willing to pay you to do a lot of work it may be better to see if Parmenion still have risk profiles 1-10 X ethical grade A - D (40 possibilities).
Thanks @Clare_Weight, will have a look into those.
Hi @lauroyle we do Impact Investing here at EQ. It's important to begin with the end in mind and know what impact you want to have / what you want to avoid. Build your normal asset allocation and then look at the opportunities within it. You might have to tweak things to balance out the risk (some asset classes are hard to access - e.g. property) and be ultra detailed in your DD. If you look at the Professional Paraplanner issues from April 2017 and July/Aug 2015 you might find the articles I wrote on the subject helpful.
We do offer our Impact Investing model portfolios to other advisers through our DFM service if that is helpful.
Chartered Financial Planner
Certified Financial Planner
Head of Technical at Paradigm Norton