What to do while waiting for your results

in CPD & Exams
A few of us have exams this week, and I want to know, what do you do while waiting for your exam results? Do you just forget about study for 2 months, or do you keep dipping into the study text to brush up on any weak areas in case you need to resit?
I seem to have some spare time on my hands now which is great, but I'm worried about getting out of the study habit
I suppose if you haven't sat AF8 and need another AF exam before AF5 then you could do this in the meantime as it is assignment based. I have just sat AF4 and have been tempted to do this, however, if AF4 is passed then I only need AF5 anyway so not sure if my boss would fork out for both. I think I may wait for results only this time as I have a lot of personal stuff in the run up to Xmas now including a best man's speech to write and deliver!
Yip, had my 2nd attempt at Af5 this week....my books are shut and away!
I may start working my way through the Canada Life Tech Videos and Fidelity Adviser Tech videos to keep my knowledge fresh/brush up. But that will be at my leisure!
I have put my AF5 stuff away whilst I await my results. I still need 30 points for chartered (assuming AF5 is in the bag) so I have enrolled in AF8 and will aim to complete that between now and April. But generally after an exam I close the books and enjoy a well earned rest from revision.
I've usually had enough of studying by the time the exam is over so I forget about it until I need to start again. In the meantime, there are loads of articles around on Professional Paraplanner, Techtalk, and similar sources to ensure you don't lose touch with things.
In my case....anxiously await the results and over analysis every question you can remember and the answers your provided, convincing yourself one moment that you have passed, and the next failed! lol
I am really tempted with AF8. Coursework seems really relevant to what we do day to day, rather than a technical memory test!!
AF exam results from October sittings appear to be available online already, a little early.