R01-06 - Aviva Notes

in CPD & Exams
Hi guys
Due to MIFID reasons, Aviva had very quietly announced that they would remove their Adviser Academy resources from their website on the 3rd Jan... so it's no longer available.
For those who are not familiar with it, they provided extensive (but way more digestible than the book) notes for each section of each book of R01-05(maybe 06 but I don't know how that works) and for some chartered exams. Each section also had 10 questions after it on its PDF and per exam they offered 2 or 3 full length practice papers.
As these are no longer accessible on the website, I was wondering if anyone happens to have any that we could all share with each other on this thread. I can offer all the ones for R01 and R05.
Looking forward to hearing from you all.
Due to MIFID reasons, Aviva had very quietly announced that they would remove their Adviser Academy resources from their website on the 3rd Jan... so it's no longer available.
For those who are not familiar with it, they provided extensive (but way more digestible than the book) notes for each section of each book of R01-05(maybe 06 but I don't know how that works) and for some chartered exams. Each section also had 10 questions after it on its PDF and per exam they offered 2 or 3 full length practice papers.
As these are no longer accessible on the website, I was wondering if anyone happens to have any that we could all share with each other on this thread. I can offer all the ones for R01 and R05.
Looking forward to hearing from you all.

A saviour showed me how to download the PDFs from the cached website and I've saved them all here on my onedrive but you can access it (zip format)..
So here you go: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiyNa1xK8Yi5lF-Q_1nq3SaH02Bc
It'll download a zip but it's too big to send via email so I think this is the only way. Feel free to pass it on if you know people who need it.
(EDIT: The zip has all the aviva resources for R01-06, R08 (Pensions Update) & ER1 (Equity Release))
Well done Sam! And thank you!!
The link that Sam sent is no longer working/ not working on my side?
Is someone able to email me the summaries please?
LIFE SAVER! I was just about to have a full on panic looking at the CII material! i have exactly 1 month and i only got through 56 pages out of 470 odd and totally lost all focus! I was dying inside a little!
Thank you Sam!
Out of interest does anyone understand why MIFID would affect Aviva's decision to provide exam resources?
Thank you Sam, that is extremely kind of you
These are a big help.
It's seen as an inducement. If you use their resources then you are obviously going to send all your business to Aviva
Thank you Sam!! What a legend!
Hi Sam, your link only downloads the equity release notes. Any chance you can send me the Aviva R03 notes if you still have copies saved. Thanks, Annie
Hi Annie,
I've attached the R03 notes from Aviva.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Claire
Hi Claire, that’s great. Cheers, Annie
Thank you so much Claire and Sam.
I have downloaded the 3 RO2 practise tests and have a fun filled weekend in store.
Hi, Does anyone know if these questions are the same standard as the CIIs question bank that you can buy directly from them? I've got R01 in a few weeks and was wondering if these Aviva ones are sufficient practice or whether I need to splash out on the CII's for £85. Any suggestions welcome.
> Hi, Does anyone know if these questions are the same standard as the CIIs question bank that you can buy directly from them? I've got R01 in a few weeks and was wondering if these Aviva ones are sufficient practice or whether I need to splash out on the CII's for £85. Any suggestions welcome.
Definitely buy the question packs from CII, they are more difficult than the BrandFT or Aviva questions (though still easier than the actual exam)
Thank you Sam. Really kind of you to share. Thank you again.