R06 July - Feedback and Discussion

in CPD & Exams
Hi Folks,
First time poster here so firstly hello!
I sat R06 today and wanted to do a post to gage other candidates thoughts.
The 6 week wait for results is likely to drive me insane so wanted to reach out to fellow candidates and perhaps share experiences and answers to questions.
I purchased the Brand Syllabus and thought it covered around 50% of the questions so unsure how I am feeling this evening.
It’s in the hands of the gods now I suppose!
First time poster here so firstly hello!
I sat R06 today and wanted to do a post to gage other candidates thoughts.
The 6 week wait for results is likely to drive me insane so wanted to reach out to fellow candidates and perhaps share experiences and answers to questions.
I purchased the Brand Syllabus and thought it covered around 50% of the questions so unsure how I am feeling this evening.
It’s in the hands of the gods now I suppose!
I took this exam yesterday.
Will write more when home, not a big fan of Brand but CII book is rubbish.
Did you prefer case study 1 or 2?
Felt it went OK, I think. Hoping exam technique was up to scratch. Trying not to think about it but feels like a long wait now!
Likewise I sat the test on Monday.
Tbh I feel it went well and the Brand study material was pretty much on point.
I preferred Case Study 1.
Thanks for your thoughts.
I was more of a fan of paper 2. The very generous question about Annuity’s was pleasing!.
I’m a bit worried about the way I structured my responses as well. The Lifetime Isa I documented predominantly facts about it as opposed to explaining why it won’t be suitable.
The questions I remember if correct where:
Explain why existing protection isn’t suitable
What would you recommend for Mrs to benefit Mr
Risks associated with s&s isa
Benefits of lifetime annuity
Benefits of upgrading wills
Questions to ask prior to pension and savings advice
Benefits of platform
Explain and justify how to get things more tax efficient
The process to follow for switching assets in previous pension
Benefits of holding shares
Anything else you guys can remember?
‘The comment on the clients protection’ what did you write?