We use FE analytics. The fund filter tool enables fund searching for Ethical / Social responsible either across the board or at a sector level. Found this a really good place to start.
For an initial high-level search, Fund EcoMarket gives a good overview of the ethical/SRI market and allows you to filter by various ethical styles as well as the usual sectors etc. http://fundecomarket.co.uk/filter
I'd be really interested to know how often people are recommending this type of fund and whether advisers are actively asking clients if they are interested / have ethical preferences? We almost never get cases where ethical funds are required and I think it's worth spending more time on, especially as it is becoming more popular in the finance world in general.
Hi @lauroyle we have many of our clients invested in this way and put together a suite of model portfolios around this. The biggest issue I see is demonstrating that what they are concerned about is being dealt with. So for our portfolios we put together an annual impact report where our investment managers dig down into the funds and explain what is going on. It's certainly something that needs to be done 'well' to be worth doing. Thankfully fund managers are more clued up now than when we started.
We have also opened up our portfolios to other advisers on several platforms. We've got lots of info on our website (http://eqinvestors.co.uk/dfm). Drop me a note if you want to be connected up with the portfolio manager who can talk in more depth if that helps.
Dan Atkinson FPFS CFP APP Chartered FCSI Chartered Financial Planner Certified Financial Planner Head of Technical at Paradigm Norton
Looks very interesting @DanAtkinsonUK ! I guess at the moment the first hurdle is getting our advisers to think about it more and speak to clients about it. It doesn't seem to be a subject that comes up a lot here and I'd really like to work out how to improve that!
I'm not sure where you are located @lauroyle but I've just heard that we are putting on a free event here in London (October time) which might be useful for your advisers.
Found this a really good place to start.
I'd be really interested to know how often people are recommending this type of fund and whether advisers are actively asking clients if they are interested / have ethical preferences? We almost never get cases where ethical funds are required and I think it's worth spending more time on, especially as it is becoming more popular in the finance world in general.
Hi @lauroyle we have many of our clients invested in this way and put together a suite of model portfolios around this. The biggest issue I see is demonstrating that what they are concerned about is being dealt with. So for our portfolios we put together an annual impact report where our investment managers dig down into the funds and explain what is going on. It's certainly something that needs to be done 'well' to be worth doing. Thankfully fund managers are more clued up now than when we started.
We have also opened up our portfolios to other advisers on several platforms. We've got lots of info on our website (http://eqinvestors.co.uk/dfm). Drop me a note if you want to be connected up with the portfolio manager who can talk in more depth if that helps.
Chartered Financial Planner
Certified Financial Planner
Head of Technical at Paradigm Norton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danatkinsonuk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danatkinsonuk/
Looks very interesting @DanAtkinsonUK ! I guess at the moment the first hurdle is getting our advisers to think about it more and speak to clients about it. It doesn't seem to be a subject that comes up a lot here and I'd really like to work out how to improve that!
I'm not sure where you are located @lauroyle but I've just heard that we are putting on a free event here in London (October time) which might be useful for your advisers.
Chartered Financial Planner
Certified Financial Planner
Head of Technical at Paradigm Norton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danatkinsonuk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danatkinsonuk/
Right next to our London office! Unfortunately I'm in Bristol. I'll keep an eye on it in case I am able to get there though, thanks @DanAtkinsonUK .
I can also see whether I can let London office know
Thanks @lauroyle :-)
Chartered Financial Planner
Certified Financial Planner
Head of Technical at Paradigm Norton
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danatkinsonuk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danatkinsonuk/