AF7 training

in CPD & Exams
Hello, we are looking to get an external trainer to come into our London office to provide a session on the AF7 exam.
Does anyone have any recommendations please?
Try John Reynolds at Expert Pensions.
Neil Dickey is another good person - he wrote some of the chapters of the textbook and often runs sessions in conjunction with FundsNetwork. Helped me to pass R04 and AF7 at first attempts.
2nd for John Reynolds.
These guys are also good
JOhn reynolds.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Second John Reynolds. Worth every penny.
Thanks guys, I have made contact with John Reynolds and John Trayner at Audley Training. Couldn't locate Neil Dickey unfortunately but found these videos!