Simpler language
One of my many side projects is to come up with a sort of style guide for our paraplanners to get some consistency in the way we write across the team (and wider business).
This will include a glossary type section where we set out simpler alternative words and phrases we will try to use instead of the standard industry lexicon that seems to creep into all of our writing. For example:
- Accumulation = saving
- Decumulation = spending
- PCLS = tax free cash
- Annuity = secure income for life
- Consolidate = combine
Are there any other words or phrases you think could be simplified or examples where you've already done so in your reports?
Jonny (paraflex)
Objectives often replace with needs and goals.
Reasons why = rationale
Will probably think of more when I'm back in the office....
I like 'key information' - ties in with KFDs
How about just 'Summary' instead of 'Executive Summary'?
Anyone got any thoughts on something to use instead of crystallisation, crystallised and uncrystallised?
Crystallised / Uncrystallised etc. The bit of your pension you have taken income / lump sum from and the bit you haven't.
This was recently sent out by the ABI. It's basically their guide to communicating pension options to customers and there are some great bits in there. Thought it might be useful for your project -