WM Capital - IFA Model Portfolios

Hi all - anyone had any experience of / currently use these guys as a investment proposition.
Feels Dimensional-ish (factor investing / smart beta strategies) but cannot find a great deal of info.
Ta muchly in advance.
Feels Dimensional-ish (factor investing / smart beta strategies) but cannot find a great deal of info.
Ta muchly in advance.
Not as DFM, but I know they run the Way Global Momentum fund. If I recall, it is a fund which uses moving averages to protect downside and capture upsides through investment in ETFs. The theory was great but looking at charts suggests the execution doesn't quite work in reality; they have protected on the downside on occasion, but it looks like the momentum indicators moved to late to capture the best of the upside (I suspect something to do with dealing costs in ETFs and lack of FUM meant they couldn't trade as often as they would like?)
Not sure if this has anything in relation with the DFM portfolios, but the fund data is freely available so not a bad starting point.