How do you train your admin?

in CPD & Exams
Hi all,
Does anyone have a company/training course they can recommend for administration staff? We feel our admin team could be better trained and wanted to know if anyone could recommend some sort of online training facility or course that could be beneficial?
My personal view is the team should receive one to one or group training from management/advisers but I still wanted other's views or recommendations.
I'm not sure external admin training would add much value. As you say, I think 1 to 1 training is the way to go because every firm will have its own workflows and ways of using different bits of software.
Do you use a backoffice system? If so, that could be a good place to get some external support given it will probably be the main piece of software the admin team are using. Perhaps you can get them in to do some 1 to 1 training or use any webinars they offer.
I also think it's a good idea to document all your workflows as much as possible so when new members of staff join you're not having to reinvent the wheel everytime and can give them step by step instructions (with screenshots) of how to do certain tasks etc.
Hi Jonny,
Thanks for your insight. It's more actual product knowledge that we want to train them up on. There seems to be a slight lack in understanding with some things, for example CGT, and with all the regulations coming in where they need to show CPD/relevant knowledge, we want to make sure they're always learning.
I suggested getting them to read any relevant exam books/Aviva chapters and having training with an adviser as this seems like the most sensible option to me.
Hi Sian, if you're happy to share, I could also put those to good use. I have a very bright young man who wants to be an IFA so keen to encourage him.
Brill, thanks everyone! Sorry it's taken me a while to look at these...stupid tax year end and beginning
I’m an administrator. Only been in the industry for a year and trained best in the last six months. I’ve had the senior administrator training me then for any technical queries I have, I ask the advisers. I couldn’t have asked for better training. They trust me with anything. At the same time I’ve been studying my ro1 which has filled in any gaps and helped a lot, then gone to work and asked questions. We also have a lot of processes in place, like a tick box process for different business. This has helped so much that I already feel I could train somebody else. Obviously common sense helps too haha