No. of Paraplanners in UK

in General
I'm thinking about either talking or writing about the history of Paraplanning (haven't deciided the medium yet) and how it is progressing as a profession. Does anyone have any ideas of where I might be able to get figures on the number of Paraplanner in the UK over the last 10/20 years for example? I want something tangible to show we are a growing profession.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Also, do a search for paraplanner/paraplanning on companies house and look at the incorporation dates by year. Loads of outsourced services in recent years.
Plus, we have specific qualification tracks with the two largest professional bodies (PFS and CISI) and dedicated microsites with certain providers.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
2008: 2
2009: 2
2010: 4
2011: 2
2012: 8
2013: 20
2014: 15
2015: 23
2016: 20
2017: 27
2018: 10 for January and February only - so well on course for the biggest number yet.
Obviously a very rough guide but clear that the outsourcing aspect is growing.
Membership breakdown by main functional role:
65% are providing retail investment advice
9% are paraplanners
5% are in compliance
4% provide product / service advice
4% provide Mortgage / protection advice
58% are financial planners
11% are paraplanners
7% are in compliance
3% are product / service providers
2% are employee benefits consultants
2% are in research / technical support
3% are in mortgage advising
4% are back office / admin
2% are in business consulting
2% are in finance
I guess it probably moves all the time though, and something we have found at the conferences is quite a lot of the paraplanners who come aren't members. Perhaps some sort of research poll is in order!