New FE Analytics RIY calculator

We've been testing this for a while and it's rolling out to some users on the live site now. It pulls through CAR and OCF from a chosen portfolio (or portfolios to compare), allows to add costs and fees, build in a target and produces a nice summary with critical yield and RIY and a simple report. It's free to Analytics users too. Recommend having a look if you have an account, I really like it.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
I can't see it obviously labelled in Charts, Tables or Reports tab.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi Richard, How do you generate or display a CY? I've just run a report between two portfolios and it gives the RIY for each, with a mini projection showing the effects of deductions for each. Can't see a reference to CY though. Perhaps it's been removed?
@Gustavo_Fring that was linked to the target if you put one in but seems to have gone. I think this is new instead.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.